1.) 15 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch or 1RM Clean and Jer
*If you did your snatch last week work on your C&J or vice versa
2.) Front Squat – 2X5 @ 80%, 2X3 @ 85%, 2X2, 2X1 @ 90% – rest 2:0
*Based off of your 1RM Front Squa
3.) WO
*We will have a very fun (in a not so funny way) scaled version of a Burpee C2B Pull-up for those unable to do the movement. as Rx’d
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20:3 rd (90 singles/rd)
75# snatch PR
Carrie Jones, Tina Schmidt, Brooke Allen and Lindsey Koehler
Kelly Runge
19:2 Rnd + 1 C2B (mod)
Small class = extra personal attention to detail - awesome!
Nice job on conquering those double unders!! :)
Kurt Koehler
8:3 rounds
15 du / round. New PB = 1 du in a row.....
haha - before you know it, you'll get 2 and then 3!! No stopping you now!