1.) Lunker
3 rounds
1000m Row
5 Back Squat 225/155lb
5 Shoulder to Overhead 225/155lb
Note: rack to be used
*2.) 7 minute AMRAP
15 Hang Power Clean & Jerk @ 75/55lb
5 Burpee Box Overs 24/20″ (hands and toesies)
*3.) 5 rounds
40m KB Carry 1.5/1 pood
15 Kettlebell Swings 1.5/1 pood
*4.) 50 banded ring dips
30 Strict Ring to Chest Pull Ups
Note: use enough support to help you through entire range of motion, meant to be as Unbroken as possible
*5.) 5 Overhead Squat every 3 minutes @ approx 75% for 3 rounds
*6.) 50-30-10
Ski Erg cal
GHD Sit-ups
3 rounds
1000m Row
5 Back Squat 225/155lb
5 Shoulder to Overhead 225/155lb
Note: rack to be used
*2.) 7 minute AMRAP
15 Hang Power Clean & Jerk @ 75/55lb
5 Burpee Box Overs 24/20″ (hands and toesies)
*3.) 5 rounds
40m KB Carry 1.5/1 pood
15 Kettlebell Swings 1.5/1 pood
*4.) 50 banded ring dips
30 Strict Ring to Chest Pull Ups
Note: use enough support to help you through entire range of motion, meant to be as Unbroken as possible
*5.) 5 Overhead Squat every 3 minutes @ approx 75% for 3 rounds
*6.) 50-30-10
Ski Erg cal
GHD Sit-ups
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Danielle Sherman
16 something with DL and SP
7 min AMRAP. Ring dip + sc2b. Lunges and GHDs. SHSPU work
Krystal Lowney
20:53 105#
Rowing a 5k at home yesterday was a bad idea. #bandaidformybum
Laura VanderKelen
23:40 145# for 2 rounds, 155# for last round
4+3 for 7 min amrap; 13:49 for ski erg/GHDs; OHS @ 105#;
Megan Vogel
18:17 @ 145#
OHS 85#, KB carry and swing, 30-20-10 ski/GHD. SOOOOOO good to be back.
Pauly VanderKelen
UB squats / Singles for split jerks / *2.) 4 rounds + 4 burpee box overs. Couldn't squeeze in that last rep for 5 rounds :/ *5.) 3x5 OHS @ 205# / *6.) complete in 9:30 / 5x10 strict ring dips on the new kids rig
Sylvia Christensen
18:45 Rx
@jimmykoehler kicked my 🍑7 min AMRAP: 4 + 12 HPC&J. 3 rounds: 25 GHD, 25 HR, 60 sec plank (25#), 60 sec L hang (knees🙃), 6 strict ring to chest PUs
I'm there to slay...not play!
Theresa Rosenquist
**#105 BS & #40 DB BOR; Yoga, & M|WOD knee therapy. (1k's: 4:34/4:34/4:37)