1.) Jackie Max
7 minute AMRAP
500m Row
25 Thrusters 45/35lb
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
*2.) 3 position Power Snatch (HH, H, F) @ 55% every 2 minutes for 10 minutes
note: take your time on your setup and through your positions
*3.) 10 minute EMOM
10 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
Add 1 rep each round until unable to complete both push-ups and sit-ups, if failure is reached drop back to 10/10
*4.) Muscle Up Challenge Day 4
4 Muscle Ups
*5.) 5 rounds
10 Bench Press 225/155
3 Strict Press 155/105lb
7 minute AMRAP
500m Row
25 Thrusters 45/35lb
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
*2.) 3 position Power Snatch (HH, H, F) @ 55% every 2 minutes for 10 minutes
note: take your time on your setup and through your positions
*3.) 10 minute EMOM
10 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
Add 1 rep each round until unable to complete both push-ups and sit-ups, if failure is reached drop back to 10/10
*4.) Muscle Up Challenge Day 4
4 Muscle Ups
*5.) 5 rounds
10 Bench Press 225/155
3 Strict Press 155/105lb
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AJ Fameree
1 + 16 thrusters
started the MU challenge & made up the first 3 days (4+1+2+1+2)
Amanda Zeamer
1 rd plus 332 m
Db thrusters and banded chest to bar. Band exercises. Shoulder mobility exercises. Leg press. 5rd of db bench and db strict press
Amy Zynda
1 stupid C2B shy of 1 round
Stupid C2B. Snatch EC @55#, BS doubles to 165# for funsies
Lauren Kalil
CrossFit Mohawk Valley
BS 5x3 185#, 3 rounds 30 cal assault bike 10 cleans @ 135#, 200 cals on skier, tabata flutter kicks
Marcie Kyllonen
25:36 push press 75#/airdyne cals
4rds: 25 push press/50 cals airdyne 2. fs 6-6-6 ^105#
Megan Vogel
1 + 1 thruster (disappointed - should have pushed more)
75, 85(x3) 90# x 10 bench 75, 80# (x4) strict press x 3 3 pos snatch 55# 10/5 sit-up/push up x 10 rounds
Pauly VanderKelen
2 rounds + 10 meters
C2B: 10-5 first round, 8-4-3 second round / Power snatches just above parallel @ 135# / *5.) from Thursday complete.