1.) Puh Puh puh Pace!
0:00 Run 400m sub 4 minute
4:00 Run 400m sub 3 minute
7:00 Run 400m sub 2 minute
9:00 Run 400 sub 2 minute
11:00 Run 400m dumb fast
note: run at exact pace.
*2.) 3 x Clean Pause Complex @ approx 50% , hold 3 count at each position rest no more than 3 minutes between sets
Floor to Low Hang(directly below knees)->Floo to Hang(directly above knees)->Floor to High Hang->Power Clean
note: do not release the bar until entire complex is complete and attempt to maintain muscular tension throughout complex
*3.) 4 Overhead Squat @ approx 70% every 3 minutes for 15 minutes
note: pull from floor
*4.) 5 rounds
20m Yoke Carry, heavy and fast
5 Box Jumps 36/30″
*5.) 8 minute AMRAP
Parallette L-Sits
25 Double Unders
Russian Twist (feet off ground)
25 Double Unders
note: every time you come down i.e. feet come down to ground complete 25 double unders
*6.) Muscle Up Challenge day 2
2 Muscle Ups
0:00 Run 400m sub 4 minute
4:00 Run 400m sub 3 minute
7:00 Run 400m sub 2 minute
9:00 Run 400 sub 2 minute
11:00 Run 400m dumb fast
note: run at exact pace.
*2.) 3 x Clean Pause Complex @ approx 50% , hold 3 count at each position rest no more than 3 minutes between sets
Floor to Low Hang(directly below knees)->Floo to Hang(directly above knees)->Floor to High Hang->Power Clean
note: do not release the bar until entire complex is complete and attempt to maintain muscular tension throughout complex
*3.) 4 Overhead Squat @ approx 70% every 3 minutes for 15 minutes
note: pull from floor
*4.) 5 rounds
20m Yoke Carry, heavy and fast
5 Box Jumps 36/30″
*5.) 8 minute AMRAP
Parallette L-Sits
25 Double Unders
Russian Twist (feet off ground)
25 Double Unders
note: every time you come down i.e. feet come down to ground complete 25 double unders
*6.) Muscle Up Challenge day 2
2 Muscle Ups
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Lauren Kalil
CrossFit Mohawk Valley (back in New York)
91 cals on ski/112 cals on rower/92 cals on assault...21 strict PU, dips and kettle bell swings... 122# snatch (7# PR YAY!)
Pauly VanderKelen
1:18 for last 400 meter
5x5 HBBS @ 245# focusing on keeping my torso nice and vertical and the weight on my heels. 245# felt better than 235# last week and 225# two weeks ago. Tinkered around with MUs while wearing gloves. 100 Up-Downs *5.) from yesterday's EC completed in 5 sets of 20.