1.) Tremor
30 minute AMRAP
Run 400m
10 Front Squat 115/85lb
10 Shoulder to Overhead 115/85lb
2.) tABata
Flutter Kicks
Weighted Russian Twist (1-10lb plate)
Hollow Rock
Parallette L-sits
Note: 8 rounds of each 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest. 1 minute rest between each movement.
30 minute AMRAP
Run 400m
10 Front Squat 115/85lb
10 Shoulder to Overhead 115/85lb
2.) tABata
Flutter Kicks
Weighted Russian Twist (1-10lb plate)
Hollow Rock
Parallette L-sits
Note: 8 rounds of each 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest. 1 minute rest between each movement.
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