Row 1000m for time OR Bike 50 Cals for time
15 Rounds
3 Chest to Bar Pullups
3 Snatches any style 135/100lbs
3 Box Jumps 30/24”
-15 min cap
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Cody Stelmach
What did the blanket say as it fell off of the bed?
Mel Sanders
in the B
Warm-up: vested lawn mowing
24 m amrap (3 + 50 ft)
100 ft KB farmer carry (#45/35)
10 R/10 L 20" box step-ups
10 DB Press # 25
400 m @ 3.5 incl, 4 mph treadmill
*Add 1 rep to SU & Press each rd
Pauly VanderKelen
Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown: 3x12 @ 140#
Narrow-Grip Row: 3x12 @ 140# / 3x10 Overhead Tricep Extensions with a 125# barbell alternating with 4x17 Lying Leg Circles with 2.5# on each Tri-Flexor and 3x10 EZ Bar Standing Arm Curl @ 95# / 3x10 V-Grip Tricep Pushdown @ 95# alternating with 3x6 Preacher Curls with a 95# EZ Bar / 1x17 Hammer Curl Burnout with 35# dumbbells.