1.) 7 Back Squats every 2 minutes for 10 minutes @ approx 70%
2.) String Cheese
3 rounds
Run 400m
21 Pull-ups
*3.) 10 min EMOM
odd 5 Muscle Ups
even 5 Strict Deficit Handstand Push-ups 2x45lb/1x45lb
*4.) for time:
30 cal Assault
30 Burpee Box Overs 30/24″ (feetsies and handsies touch top of box)
*5.) 5 rounds
10 Parallel Bar Dips
Parallel Bar Walk
note: hips and hands to traverse down that bar. start at one end and end at the other then start next set of dips
2.) String Cheese
3 rounds
Run 400m
21 Pull-ups
*3.) 10 min EMOM
odd 5 Muscle Ups
even 5 Strict Deficit Handstand Push-ups 2x45lb/1x45lb
*4.) for time:
30 cal Assault
30 Burpee Box Overs 30/24″ (feetsies and handsies touch top of box)
*5.) 5 rounds
10 Parallel Bar Dips
Parallel Bar Walk
note: hips and hands to traverse down that bar. start at one end and end at the other then start next set of dips
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Angel Anderson
Handstand walk practice... 🙄 Apparently 5-6 feet is my max before I crash and burn 🔥
Grant Soletski
GHD sit-ups in place of pull-ups. 185 on the squat just trying to get my squat back to working condition
Jenni Phillips
Dropped in Crossfit Illumine Niles
25# dumbbell presses 5x6 wide grip strict pull ups 5x4, Helen Rx 13:02
Lauren Kalil
10:36 RX
BS 170#... EC EMOM, handstand walks, yesterday's planks, parallel dips and walks, assault bike and BBO
Theresa Rosenquist
**1/2 mi Assault bike. BS: #105 😝EC: 3×{WL/AMSU/KB8s/PU/RD -> Yoga.