1.) 4 Back Squat every 3 minutes for 15 minutes @ approx 75%
2.) Mercy
100 Double Unders
50 Deadlift 225/155lb
100 Double Unders
*3.) 7 minute AMRAP
1 Power Clean 225/155lb
1 Hang Power Clean 225/155lb
1 Clean 225/155lb
1 Hang Clean 225/155lb
1 Jerk 225/155lb
Note: scale to approx 70%
*4.) 10 rounds
14/12 cal Row
1 minute Plank
Note: sprint row and roll right into plank
2.) Mercy
100 Double Unders
50 Deadlift 225/155lb
100 Double Unders
*3.) 7 minute AMRAP
1 Power Clean 225/155lb
1 Hang Power Clean 225/155lb
1 Clean 225/155lb
1 Hang Clean 225/155lb
1 Jerk 225/155lb
Note: scale to approx 70%
*4.) 10 rounds
14/12 cal Row
1 minute Plank
Note: sprint row and roll right into plank
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Amanda Zeamer
Aurora workout
Death by thrusters and running followed by deadlifts and bar facing burpees
Hannah Fameree
DU attempts for 3 min, 35 DL @ RX weight (didn’t do 50 bc I’m a wimp). 125# BS. Community WOD.
Megan Vogel
170# BS, mercy @ 155# DL, 5 rounds Row/Plank. It’s worth noting that FATIGUED DU’s are a whole new monster. :)
Pauly VanderKelen
DLs complete in 5 sets of 10 / 5x4 HBBS @ 275# (10# lighter than true 75%) / Snatch doubles: 95, 115, 135, 155, 165, 175# / *3.) 4 rounds complete in 7 minutes @ 185#
Sylvia Christensen
7:15, 165# BS
Kept backsquats relatively light today. Free WOD with Ness