1.) Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes
5 Hang Snatch
5 Bent Over Row, Supinated Grip
note: add load each round and cycle is the name-o of the game-o
2.) Going, Going, Gone
In 10 minutes run 1 mile
In 5 minutes run 800m
Run 400m for time
3.) not for time:
25/5, 20/4, 15/3, 10/2, 5/1
Hip Extension
Back Extension (smooth is fast and fast is smooth)
Muscle Up
4.) 100 Sledgehammer Swings
note: 50 each side
5 Hang Snatch
5 Bent Over Row, Supinated Grip
note: add load each round and cycle is the name-o of the game-o
2.) Going, Going, Gone
In 10 minutes run 1 mile
In 5 minutes run 800m
Run 400m for time
3.) not for time:
25/5, 20/4, 15/3, 10/2, 5/1
Hip Extension
Back Extension (smooth is fast and fast is smooth)
Muscle Up
4.) 100 Sledgehammer Swings
note: 50 each side
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Pauly VanderKelen
6:18 mile, 3:01 800m, 1:19 400m
Hang snatch + BOBR - 95,115,125,135,145 no misses / EC 2 rounds of strict (first time trying these and I love them!) GHD sit-ups & 40 meter HSW