1.) 15 minute AMRAP
5 Strict Pull-ups
10 Rings to Hips
5 Strict Toes to Bar
20m Handstand Walk
Note: scale kicking up from a tri-pod into a handstand hold. Use a wall if needed
2.) Ugly Dog
4 rounds
10m Front Rack Lunge -> 5 Strict Shoulder Press 135/95lb
note: do not set bar down until the shoulder press is complete so scale weight
as necessary.
500m Row
4 rounds
10m Front Rack Lunge -> 5 Strict Shoulder Press 135/95lb
note: do not set bar down until the shoulder press is complete so scale weight
as necessary.
500m Row
3.) 50 Wall Squats
Note: keep palms flatly against the wall throughout
entire squat. Take your time and work on position from top to bottom. If that
sentence confuses you ask a coach to unconfuse you.
entire squat. Take your time and work on position from top to bottom. If that
sentence confuses you ask a coach to unconfuse you.
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Amy Zynda
Michelle said no counting and I agreed enthusiastically
All the lunges and Bear Crawls etc.
Michelle Johnson
13:10 75#
Free WOD w/ Zynda - Lunges, handstand holds and bear crawls oh my!
Omar CruzRivera
1.) 4 rds + some more
2.) 13:30 @ 115 Lounges x 10; strict press x 5; 500m Row 3.) ✅
Pauly VanderKelen
12:40 (2 second PR from 1/7/16!)
1.) 5 rounds + 8 hips-to-rings / 3.) Squats felt great! Controlled descent and ascent with toes touching the wall.
Theresa Rosenquist
~ 500m w/up, 4×50 intervals, 200m c/d, & jacuzzi. Not what I intended to do, felt "off"
Ty Krueger
Continuous movement through the first part
11:36 for Ugly Dog and an awesome squat therapy sesh from Coach RY! Thanks boss!