1.) Slow is Smooth Smooth is Fast
15 minutes Snatch prep
7 minutes up the ladder
1 Snatch 115/85lb
1 Ring Muscle Up
1 Bar Muscle Up
2/2/2, 3/3/3, 4/4/4…..
15 minutes Clean & Jerk prep
7 minutes down the Ladder
10 Cleans 135/95lb
10 Bar Facing Burpees
9/9, 8/8, 7/7…..
note: timer will run 15/7/15/7 so stay on track.
*2.) EMOM for 10 minutes 1 Heavy Power Clean, add load if necessary
3.) Shoulder Mobility do it and do it today you’re going to want them fresh for next week. May want to get those quads and hamstrings too. Or anything that needs it. Seriously. Do this. Yes, you.
4.) Do more mobility.
15 minutes Snatch prep
7 minutes up the ladder
1 Snatch 115/85lb
1 Ring Muscle Up
1 Bar Muscle Up
2/2/2, 3/3/3, 4/4/4…..
15 minutes Clean & Jerk prep
7 minutes down the Ladder
10 Cleans 135/95lb
10 Bar Facing Burpees
9/9, 8/8, 7/7…..
note: timer will run 15/7/15/7 so stay on track.
*2.) EMOM for 10 minutes 1 Heavy Power Clean, add load if necessary
3.) Shoulder Mobility do it and do it today you’re going to want them fresh for next week. May want to get those quads and hamstrings too. Or anything that needs it. Seriously. Do this. Yes, you.
4.) Do more mobility.
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Amy Zynda
4 rounds @65, 5/8 cleans 85#
Low ring progressions, BMU from box-able to press out twice! Woo!
Antonia Shanle
#1 modified, 1/5 BMU. #2 1/6 cleans
Power clean emom^ 180# PR. Extra werk: strict pull-ups, dips, negative HSPU, snatch pulls
Ashley Bourgeois
3/5 snatch 35#; 1/7 cleans 55#
Jumping off box bmu, ring mu progressions. Mobility after with Dani :)
Ashley Engeldinger
Not sure of official score for first part... 2 of 6 burpees for second part
Game plan: increase snatches each round but 1 attempt at each muscle up per round. got 1 bar muscle up and then failed next attempt. after that round stuck with 2 attempts at ring muscle ups. too hard getting through people snatching and finding an open bar. successfully got up and over the rings 5 times for ring muscle ups but still can't press out... Power Clean EMOM: 145 x2, 155x2, 165x2, 175x2, 185, 195. Hit 200 for fun!
Up and over is awesome!! Pressing out will be SOON!!
Ashley King
Oh man. That was bad!!!! After yesterday's WOD and gymnastics class, my WHOLE body is fried!
Workout done ✅
Way to grind!
Chris Ness
I showed up for the challenge check in. I am still dizzy and decrepit from Wednesday?
Cindy Opichka
4/5 snatch/RMU/BMU; 6/7 C & B
Snatch 45#, RMU progression, BMU kid bar; 75# clean
Jordan Heider
3/4 bar MU from box, 7/8 cleans (#95)
Cozy little three person class today. Grant, Jim Tschampl and myself. Good times.
Justin Peterson
3/6 Bar MU ; 6/6 Burpees
No fun at all.
Nice work on that first one my dude!
Kate Mantz
Up to 2/6 MUs (scaled MU's, 35# snatches)... finished 8/8 (55# cleans)
Snatched pretty okay today, figuring it out 😎
Lauren Kalil
4 rounds plus 2 snatches, 8/8 cleans
Did 65lbs for snatches Used box under bar for MU 85lbs for cleans
Paul Mantz
Through Rd 4 attempts and progressions, and 4/7 cleans.
Made first bar muscle up today!!
Pauly VanderKelen
3/5 Ring MUs 1/6 Bar Facing Burpees
EMOM10: 1 power C&J @ 205# + some HSWs / Shoulder mobility
Sylvia Christensen
Not sure on first ladder, 6/7 burpees
1 successful ring mu and bmu. Did workout 15.4 afterwards.
This is what you can get me https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01HHX7KBE/ref=ya_aw_oh_bia_dp?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Theresa Rosenquist
I moved.....
**subbed #125 DL v. Snatch, BA-MU/kidz bar MU: 5/5 DL; subbed #85 BOR for Cleans: 2/6 BFB (full pushup); PEC: 3×{10 BA-RD/10 K-PU.