Alex Peterson
65:5 Rds-1 Rope Climb Rx'd+20lb weight vest that was my sweaty shirt
Only completed 13 reps for snatch. Worked up to 185#
Alyssa DeNoble
16:4 rds + 1 PC 85#
885 snatch load
Amy Van Stippen
13:3rds +1PC 85#
450ish snatch load...had to go low and slow
Analicia Roberts
Home wod (no excuse why I didn't come to the gym) need my routine bac10 rounds 10 air squats 10 push ups 10 sit ups and 10 dips
Ashley Peterson
6:5+8 PC
1770 snatch total
Betsy Soletski
75#. 1010 snatch 65-85#
Brooke Allen
12:3rds+8PC 95#
1310#snatch load 2@75# 4@85# 7@90# 2@95#
Cellie Apineru
15:3 rds + 4 PC Rx
1010# snatch load
Eric Hansen
21:4 + 1/4 rope climb Rx
Forgot to add but was at 145 at 15
Eric Johnson
14:4 + 160m, 135#
1350 snatch load
Erin Buntin
13:5rds+40m, 85#
975 snatch load, nursing lower back.
Garrett Lowney
20:5 rds 8 power cleans
Grace Adler
12:3 rnds + 4PC
105# for 10 reps then 95# for rest; 1005# snatch load
Greg Goffard
13:4 rds 135# PC
1425 snatch load
Inshirah Robinson
7:4 rd Rx
985 snatch load.
Jake Plennes
11:6 rounds rx
2335# snatch
Jeremy Dashnier
15:4 rds + 100M Rx
1995# Snatch load
Jessica Herrera
15:3rds +200 m run
85# clean and rope pull#1075 snatch and I learned the wrong way to bail out
Jim Tschampl
8:5 rds Rx
Snatch 1425# (Working on form)
Justin Peterson
7:6 + 25m
2585# Snatches
Kayla Duchateau
13:4+100m run rx
1400#snatch load/ mile weighted vest run
Kimberly Nault
28:3Rds + 1PC Rx weight, 12' RC
950# snatch load, shoulder's getting better! Felt good to lift today!
Lindsey Koehler
18:3 rds + 175m (85#)
First rope climb at 15' and last two at 12'. 945# snatch load.
Lisa Albanese
17:3 rds + 9' RC 85#
975# snatch load
Marcie Kyllonen
12:4rds+2PC 85#
975# Snatch load
Michelle Johnson
11:4rds + 200m
85#, 15ft RC; 995# snatch load
Molly Zoromski
15:3rds, 9'RC, 75#
900 snatch load
Natasha Shanle
26:4rds + 100m Rx+ (115# PCs)
1600# snatch load
Nick Burgraff
38:5rnds+100M 115&125 PC (Thanks Justin!)
1425 snatch load
Robin Mueller
10:4 rds, 65#
970# snatch load (sub 6 ring rows for rope climb)
Ryan Froelich
23:4 rounds +150m (135 PC)
1235 SN total (only 10 reps)(75-140)
Steve Schaefer
13:4rds +200m Rx
2055 snatch load
Tina Schmidt
12:5 rds + 5 PC
1,395# (65-115#) snatch load
Tony Aitkin
23:4 rds + 1 PC Row vs Run
2,775 SN load
Trevor Jensen
17:4 rds + 110m 135#
Troy Foley
13:5+200m (135#)