Barb :)
3 pulls/18 plate step overs/ 16med ball an mat sit-ups-had to cut the reps rounds 3 and 4
255 deadlift-Iβll get back there
Bradley Boockmeier
No RX for Bradley today.

Carrie Schatzman
260#DL (50# PR) accessory work w/Jamie paid off

Scaled: 3 rope pulls; 18 box step overs; between 18-15 GHDβs per rd;
Celia Osorno
Fitness is happening
Chelsea Sherman

Rope pulls, 14 box jumps most rounds, 16 GHDs. 235# DL- 10# PR!
Cody Stelmach
45 min zone 2 work (4 sets: 750m row + 3000m bike erg + 30 sec echo bike sprint) // 395 DL! (Most I have deadlifted in 669 days) // metcon completed

(unbroken TTB thru 3 rounds)
Devon Deda
Yuck but finished
PR 400# DL
Donny Covaciu
430lb DL 30lb PR
Grace Adler

DL up to 225#. Learned something new from Kim! Thanks, Kim!
Jenna Decker
295 deadlift
40 lb PR brought to you by Lizβs kid feeding me graham crackers.
Jenny Renon
212 deadlift PR!!!
Jim Koehler
327# DL...notevenclose
Jordan Teague
305# DL

30# PR
3 rope pulls, 15 box step overs, 15 knee raises
Kevin Hansen
Deadlift 3 rep up to 405, bench 3 rep up to 255#
Krystal Lowney
Deadlift 215# (5# PR

1 climb/16 BJO/16 GHDs
Rope Pulls, Jumped 1 Rnd then Stepped, GHDs to //. 120# RM DL
Liz LeCaptain
walk with Lou
Maria Onaindia
280# DL (15# PR)
12 T2B instead of 18, rest unchanged
Molly Leiterman
Doing my best
callus rip so many mods for Molly
Back squat 6x5 of 1 & 1/4 squats at 105-115-125-125-135-135 then the 2x5 at 135
GHDs, 10 ring rows & 12 lateral jumps
Natalie Blomquist
Dear Cody,
I would like to apologize for not making better use of my time while working for a new 1RM. If I had managed my time better I think I could have gotten a new 1RM of 269 rather than my less exciting new max of 260. I hope you will accept my apology. I will try to be better in the future. (34 lb improvement)
Nate Ziolkowski
Participated scaled
375# DL PR
Sarah Fish
Deadlift #265 PR.
Steven Leiterman
Is it summer yet...?

Sylvia Christensen
305 DL
195x 10
Theresa Rosenquist

Tim Sanders
not sure but had a lot of fun!
no more than 12 no less than 7 toes to bar. no less than 12 box jump overs. 2 rope pulls BUT had a fairly good day. did my first two rope climbs ever, all the way up. burnt my leg on the way down. plus a 475# dl pr.
Tom Fameree
375# DL (10# PR)
Yvonne Otero
Did it!
BS 85# 5 reps every 2ish min for 8 rds