Betsy Soletski
10:3rd + 5 PJ
FS = 135#
Brooke Allen
3 rds
5 55lb hang cleans, 5 55lb push jerks, 10 push ups
David Konshak
14:3 + 21 DUs 95#
FS 205 PR #goodtobeback
Eric Johnson
24:2 rds + 5 push jerk #125
#215 front squat (PR)
Grant Soletski
Handi WOD115 hang clea115 push jer150m row
Jake Plennes
24:3 rounds + 4 jerk @ 155#
225# front squat
Jake Roberts
17:2rds + 3fs w/ 225
305 ma
Jamie Kemen
16:3 rd + 5 FS, #55
115 max FS
Jason Nobles
12:3 + 4FS @135
235# FS (PR27 DU in a row (PR) as well, who knew getting a rope and practicing would pay off?!
Jeremy Dashnier
16:2 rds+14 DU 155#
225# Front squat
Jessica Broekman
12:3 RDS + 4 PJ
FS 135 PR I also got a PR on 35 consecutive DU'S in the first round :)
Jim Tschampl
21:2 rounds + 4 DU 135#
Front Squats 215# Max PR
Joe Kasprzycki
12:4 rds @ 135#
245# FS
Justin Peterson
20:3 rds + 29 DU @ 135#
285# FS (PR)
Kacie Griffin
15:2+4 jerk at 115
Fs 175lb
Kirk Foote
14:3 +2.5 rounds
Laura Schmidt
8:3rds 85#
175 max (pr) bc Grant says I sissied out at 185, 21-15-9-15-21 wall balls and box jumps
Leah Bergstrom
14:3rds +2fs. 85#
190 PR fs
Maja Brown
14:3rds + 7DU 65#
15du 15 single, 135 FS (pr)
RaLinda Lamberies
16:3 rds + 8 DU 75#
125# FS
Russ Williston
14:2+20 DUs, 115#
215 front squat
Steve Schaefer
17:3rds + 5 pj @ 95#
225# FS
Theo Cloud
26:315, 2 rds plus 3 pj (185)
Tina Schmidt
19:4 rds + 5 fs (115#)
185 lb front squat PR
Tom Schmidt
20:3 rds + 5 fs 185lbs
max 285
Tony Aitkin
18:3 + 14 DU @ 135lbs
Fs - 185 - still nursing the leg.
Trevor Jensen
21:3 rds + 2 PJ @ 95 lbs
185 lbs front squat, failed at 205.
Troy Foley
13:4 rounds 155#
265# FS