-We will spend part of the hour talking about nutrition basics, how you should avoid the word “diet” in your lifestyle and learn how food can be fuel to your performance.
-We will also talk about the most important muscle in keeping your shoulders happy during gymnastics movements: the latissimus dorsi, and how to make sure you’re utilizing it while on the pullup rig.
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Pauly VanderKelen
Straight-Leg DL: 10 reps @ 135,185,225, and 275#
4x12 Shrugs @ 250# / 3x10 Overhead Tricep Extension with a 115# barbell alternating with 4x11 Lying Leg Circles with 2.5# on each Tri-Flexor and 3x5 Incline Arm Curl with 45# dumbbells / 3x11 Tricep V-Pushdown @ 90# alternating with 3x5 Preacher Curls with 45# dumbbells / 3x10 Hammer Curl with 35# dumbbells.