5xME Unbroken Strict Pullups
-Rest 2 min between sets
-Use assistance to get minimum of 5 reps per set
15 Wallballs 25/16lbs
20 Walking lunges with Wallball Overhead
-Run 100m with wallball after each round
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Megan Johnson
Another drop in at IST CrossFit in Duluth, MN!
Metcon in teams of 3: 90 cal row + 120 DB bench press / 90 cal row + 120 alt DB hang snatch / 90 cal row + 120 box jumps / 90 cal row + 120 wall balls. Split evenly among team, 2 work while 1 rests, each round needed to be complete before starting next. My team finished in 24:52!
Pauly VanderKelen
Straight-Legged DL: 10 reps @ 155,185,205,225, and 275#
3x10 Overhead Tricep Extension with a 95# barbell alternating with 4x15 Lying Leg Lifts with an empty Tri-Flexor on each foot and 3x12 Preacher Curl with 30# dumbbells / 3x12 Tricep Pushdown @ 75# alternating with 3x12 Hammer Curls with 30# dumbbells.