1.) 1000 Mile
30 minute AMRAP
30 minute AMRAP
Run 1 mile
Row 2000m
Assault Bike 50 cal
Note: Keep heart rate down and just keep nice and steady movement
*2.) 3 Back Squat @ 75% every 2 minutes for 12 minutes
*3.) for time:
15 Strict Press 95/65lb
40’ Overhead Walk 95/65lb
10 Push Press 135/95lb
40’ Overhead Walk 135/95lb
5 Push Jerk 185/125lb
40’ Overhead Walk 185/125lb
*4.) 10 rounds
5 Strict Hanging L-ups
10 Hollow Rocks
At Home
1.) 3 Rounds
:30 Max Effort for each movement:
– High Knees
– Butt Kicks
– Alt. Lunges in Place
2.) Every 1:30 for 5 rounds
5 Inch Worms (no pushup)
:30 Plank
1.) 3 Rounds
:30 Max Effort for each movement:
– High Knees
– Butt Kicks
– Alt. Lunges in Place
2.) Every 1:30 for 5 rounds
5 Inch Worms (no pushup)
:30 Plank
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Angel Anderson
1rd +23cals on the ski erg
800m for the run, ski erg instead of 2nd run. BS @125#
Brittany Nohr
Home wod
Did thurs wod w/ regular sit ups instead of ghd and 35# db 8:50. 100 daily burpees. Tempo goblet squat work
Ian Wilson
Rowing 2nd round
Surprisingly faster than Dusty Surprisingly slower than Hartman
Kelsey Waack
Home WOD
1.) 25 min AMRAP (10 air squats / 50 dubs, 20as/50 dubs, 30 ... etc) 2.) 50 burpees buy in/out, 21-15-9 pu, as, lunges x2 3.) GOWOD mobility
Megan Vogel
1 + 1 mile
31:30 when i got back in. Bs @ 205. Can’t believe I’m saying this - but it was perfect weather to run and enjoyable to be outside running. #WhoDis?
Theresa Rosenquist
HomeWOD (did 1000mi Sun.)
🥰 love y’all!! Jennifer; posted on yesterday’s WB. 3/20: 30min spin🥱 & 4x{30 #25 AMSU & 20 Hip Circle Abd. & mile walk 🥶