1.) Jackie
1000m Row
50 Thrusters 45lb
30 Pull-ups
2.) RomWod
*3.) Snatch Balance 3-3-3-3-3
*3.) Snatch Balance 3-3-3-3-3
Note: add load each round and really practice bringing that bar back down to your rear rack position while warming up
*4.) 9-7-5
Power Clean & Jerk 135/95lb
Bar Muscle Up
*5.) 3 rounds
15 Reverse Hyper
15 Supinated Grip Bent over Barbell Row 115/85lb
Note: squeeze butt on top of reverse hyper, pause 1-2 seconds on top of each rep of the row
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Pauly VanderKelen
5:59 (47 second PR! from 1-20-16)
Row complete in ~3:15 / Thrusters UB focusing on a big leg drive to save my arms for the pull-ups / Wanted UB pull-ups, but ended up with 28-2 because my grip failed :/ *3.) Snatch balance triples complete @ 135,165,185,205,215# / Practiced T2B+BMU complex. No legit reps but several reps with an extra kip swing / Practiced free-standing HSPU starting with a handstand rather than a headstand. Completed 5 singles.