1.) 15 minute AMRAP
10 Back Extension
10 Tripod to Headstand
10 Dumbbell Bent Over Row
10 Wall Facing Squats
2.) Starving Dog
5 rounds
21 Deadlift 115/85lb
15 Hang Clean 115/85lb
9 Push Press 115/85lb
*3.) Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 @ approx 60%
*4.) 5 Hang Power Snatch every 2 minutes for 10 minutes, starting at approx 60% adding load each round
*5.) 5 rounds
20 Dumbbell 50/35lb Box Step-Ups 24/20″
15 cal Assault Bike
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
*6.) 10 minute AMRAP
20m Sled Push 45/25lb
10 Rope Pull-ups
*7.) 3 x 12 Reverse Hyper
10 Back Extension
10 Tripod to Headstand
10 Dumbbell Bent Over Row
10 Wall Facing Squats
2.) Starving Dog
5 rounds
21 Deadlift 115/85lb
15 Hang Clean 115/85lb
9 Push Press 115/85lb
*3.) Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 @ approx 60%
*4.) 5 Hang Power Snatch every 2 minutes for 10 minutes, starting at approx 60% adding load each round
*5.) 5 rounds
20 Dumbbell 50/35lb Box Step-Ups 24/20″
15 cal Assault Bike
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
*6.) 10 minute AMRAP
20m Sled Push 45/25lb
10 Rope Pull-ups
*7.) 3 x 12 Reverse Hyper
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Lauren Kalil
Just first part of class... no WOD
Snatches up to 115#, PJ 95#, handstand walks and C2B/butterfly PU, FS from the floor 115#, assault bike sprints
Pauly VanderKelen
9:21 - Power cleans to save my knees for the Ice Bowl
DLs: 10-10-1, HPC: 9-6, PP: 9 UB / 1.) 50, 55, 60, 65, 70# dumbbells / Snatch EC: Singles @ 95, 115, 135, 155, 165, 175, 185# no fails / EMOM10: 1 legless rope climb for 10 total. Got a big piece of rope fiber stuck in my eye, yuck!
Sylvia Christensen
Took a hot (sweaty) minute
27-21-18-15-12-9-6: DB thrusters (35#) and burpees. That honestly felt like it was never going to end
Theresa Rosenquist
**overambitious 1R@#65-> 4R@#55, & HPCl. Yoga & light wgts @ Home/PT (BS/BP + Skilz)
Timm Uhlmann
4 rnds AMRAP, 85# @16:50
took one of those free coupons to complete nutrition afterwards
Todd Rocheleau
95 lbs for first 3rds, then 115 lbs switched to power cleans for last 2