1.) 15 minutes Bar Muscle Up/Muscle Up practice. Every time your hands come off the bar/rings run or row 20
2.) Lurong Challenge WOD 2- The LuRong Living Original Remi
12 Min Time Cap
100 Burpees
100 Kettlebell Swing
The twist: Athletes can break up the exercises and REPS in any order they choose
Movement Details – Me
Level III (3
100- 53 lb Kettlebell Swing
100- Burpee
Level II (2
100- 35 lb Kettlebell Swing
100- Burpee
Level I (1
100- 25 lb Kettlebell Swing
100- Burpees No Press (bottom is a plank
Movement Details – Wome
Level III (3
100- 35 lb Kettlebell Swing
100- Burpee
Level II (2
100- 25 lb Kettlebell Swing
100- Burpees
Level I (1
100- 15 lb Kettlebell Swing
100- Burpees No Press (bottom is a plank
Extra credit
1.) Tabata Hollow Rock then Supperman Rock
2.) 10 minutes on Row Sprint 1 min/row at 50% 1mi
3.) Immediately following row 50 burpees DO NOT STOP until 50 are don
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