15 min Handstand Walk practice
-Work on: Weightshifts against wall, walking to the wall, walking max distances, turning around in place, walking over objects (plates) etc.
For time
50/42 Cal Bike buy-in
5 Rounds
1 Rope Climb
10 Front Squats 135/95lbs (from ground)
50/42 Cal Bike cash-out
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Pauly VanderKelen
EMOM10: 10 Ring Push-ups every 1:15 for 100 total
5x5 Strict Ring Dips / 4x12 Shrugs @ 185# alternating with 4x12 Lat Pulldown @ 120# and 4x10 Standing Cable Core Twist on both sides with 50# / 3x12 Overhead Tricep Extension with a 100# barbell alternating with 3x10 Incline Arm Curl with 35# dumbbells / 3x9 Tricep Pushdown @ 75# alternating with 3x8 Preacher Curl with 35# dumbbells / 1x25 Hammer Curl with 25# dumbbells.
Tim Sanders
did stuff in the B
Too easily distracted at home...but I tried...AP squat work followed by 3rds of yesterday's wod. capped myself at 22+ minutes cuz life is starting to get much busier sauna